Hey Everybody!
Well it's been awhile, and as you can see I've got an update. Nothing really major but never the less it's another chapter in the lives of our family so I'm excited. I think that I've commented before on creating a continuity book for my boy's rite of passage, if not here it goes.
All you "Cats" in the
DoD, or Dept of Defense or probably any type of government agency are well aware of continuity books. They are specific books for a
particular program, be it Safety, Security Manager, Anti Terrorism / Force Protection, Govt Travel Card, etc, etc and the list goes on and on. I went ahead and designed one for the boys which includes "The Plan" and other aspects of the "Rite of Passage". It's just a nice way to keep all of his paperwork in order.
Wil at this point has a binder, it's rather plane
jane so I started thinking on what I can do to spruce it up. What I came up with is fairly squared away, and I believe that it meshes exactly with what I want to accomplish with my sons. I went and bought a plain binder that I got from an "Arts & Crafts" store. I ventured down the (
shhhhhhh) scrapbook isle, I know, I know, my "Man Card" is at risk here. I was very careful to get in and get out, QUICK!
LOL...Anyway the point is that I got some stuff to really personalize
Wil's "Rite of Passage" book. That way it's not just some meaningless binder with
important papers in it. It becomes an all important document that they will maintain for years to come. It can become a journal among many other things that has significant meaning that he'll be able to show his kids one day, hopefully.
Well here is the next chapter that I was speaking of earlier, Alec's birthday is next week, November 25
th. I'm so excited because now I can go even further to help establish Christian tradition within our family. That being the formal issue of the "Rite of
Passage" to Alec on his
twelfth birthday, how exciting. This is where the continuity book fits in, it will be given as one of his birthday presents in front of family. The cool thing is that it will be wrapped and once again it's a customized binder, so that it's special and not just some mundane looking document. He will be presented this gift in front of all of his brothers, once again establishing among his brothers the anticipation of the "Rite of Passage", and the transition to "Biblical Manhood".
It is at this time that when Alec opens his gift he'll be read into "The
Stapp Family,
Sarcalogos Ritus of
Obduco, (Christian Rite of Passage)". It is here that he will be read into what we do and why we do it, in addition to the rules that govern it's progression. You may want to do the same thing or you may want to change it, do what's good for you. I've pasted it below for your review.
The Stapp Family
Sarcalogos Ritus of Obduco
(Christian Rite of Passage)
Est August of 2009 by William J. Stapp IV
The Stapp Family "Sarcalogos Ritus of Obduco", exists to establish and solidify a foundational moral and spiritual bearing that is required for all Stapp men from this time forth. This moral and spiritual bearing is essential to the Stapp Family vision of multigenerational faithfulness and discipleship, necessary to forever impact circle of influence for Christ.
Each male child within the Stapp Family, at the age of twelve will begin his quest for "Biblical Manhood". Upon his 12th birthday the gift from his father and mother will be the outline of the "Sarcalogos Ritus of Obduco" which from here forth shall be referred to as the "SRO". Here in is the culmination of the teaching and discipleship that his mother and I have invested in him since birth or adoption to this point.
The "SRO" will not be forced, as manhood and spiritual maturity cannot be forced. The candidate has a minimum of a year to complete the tasks set before him. The Crucible within the "SRO" may not be initiated before the child's 13th birthday.
Successful completion of the "SRO" and the associated Crucible will result in that individual, being recognized as young man within the Stapp Family. Such recognition will be accompanied by certain privileges known only to young within the house that have completed the "SRO".
1. Written contract honoring the son's recognition of being a man.
2. No specific bedtime. (Trial basis, based on maturity)
3. No longer needs to ask to be excused from the dinner table.
4. At 14 may seek employment outside the home, however, 20% of paycheck will be required towards household expenses. This also identifies the young man as a productive member of the Stapp Family household.
5. Becomes a contributing member of the Stapp Family Council.
6. Chores will transition from that of a boy's to a man's.
7. Space allowing the individual may be allotted his own room.
8. Discipline will be conducted significantly differently, the man will be addressed as any other man in the church who is in need of admonishment.
It is the hope and prayers of Mary my wife, and myself that this "SRO", will bring to life the spiritual, moral, and physical principles that we have planted in the hearts of our sons. That our boys will come to recognize who they are in Christ, and take up the sword and shield as Christian Warriors engaged in spiritual battle with a culture that seeks to dismantle the very principles that seek to save souls from eternal darkness.
Well there it is, do with it what you will. Talk to you later.