Sunday, July 25, 2010

Rites of Passage; the documentary

Hey everybody! I hope everybody out there is doing well, and I hope that if you're involved in a Rite of Passage ritual that all is going especially well! God bless you on your initiative, and obedience to disciple your sons.

I have some rather interesting news for those that are following my blog (when I do my part and blog...LOL), I'm presently making arrangements to develop a documentary that will cover Wil's (my oldest boy) rite of passage to include my testimony that brought me to the realization that I had to be more than a father that was just sitting in the stands checking the blocks. I had a rather informal meeting through the Lord's providence, that should culminate into a formal meeting this coming week or next regarding this incredible voyage that the Lord put me on this time last year. My hopes and prayers are that we can catch the essence of this voyage on film, and more importantly the incredible message behind it that's the driving force that God has laid on my heart. This may be the beginning of a great ministry opportunity, we'll see what our glorious Father has in mind. Having said that please keep my in your prayers.

The past months for me (and you as well) have had numerous blessings, challenges and hiccups associated with them. My father had the joy of coming out and spending time with me and the boys. We had our 2nd annual regional Security Forces Ball here on the Gulf Coast. My wife being pregnant didn't feel pretty enough to go with me this year, and my arguments to the contrary were completely useless. Finally I figured I'd get my dad to go. He hadn't been in uniform since 1994 when he had retired from the Navy as an E-8 Senior Chief Boatswains Mate. We got dressed up and boy did he look sharp. It was real honor to stand next to him in uniform, I love my dad!! We also had the joy of going on a deep sea fishing trip in 4 to 5 foot seas, BARF!! There is a reason why I'm in the Air Force now. As you can see from the pics we did quite well, in spite of our efforts to chum the waters for shark!

After our great time and the return to the everyday grind of work I got the call that my grandmother had passed in her sleep on a Saturday afternoon. Wow, 87 years old, she went to sleep and passed on into eternity. That's the way to go.

June rolled around and my precious newly adopted baby girl of 6 months (she's actually 15 months old) decided to break her arm at the growth plate. The "Princess" slipped on a book and busted her arm as she reached back to catch herself I guess. Go figure! 14 years of rip roaring boys, who have smacked each other with swords, clubbed each other, speared each other, and forked each other, yes I said forked, but never a broken bone, not one bone. But my dear precious Princess ends up with three screws in her arm, go figure. Anyway she's doing great, she's been out of the cast for a couple of weeks and is twirling around in the living room.

Life is good, so good. In spite of loss and accidents God is faithful and continues to bless so richly.
God Bless all of you and keep the faith.

Your brother from another mother,
