Thursday, October 1, 2009

Update on progress.

As I'm doing this project for my sons and keeping up on this blog it's easy to loose focus on some of the aspects of it. As you can probably imagine by the reading, there is allot of information to keep up with. Having said that I get caught up in trying to explain to you why I'm doing what I'm doing and still keep up with the learning curve that I've experienced over the last couple of months, especially with regards to spiritual leadership and a multi-generational vision for my family.

Thus far Wil has been working on one of his essays, at times having to redo it a couple times over until he gets his final draft which will be graded by a close friend of the family. His memory verses are coming along quite nicely, in fact I'm very proud of him. He has many of these verses taped up along the door post of his bedroom. It's good t see him taking this as seriously as I hoped he would.

The Crucible that he'll experience in the coming months is gonna be quite challenging for him. The good news is that both him and his brother religiously run every morning before school, they're now up to 3.4 miles. I'm really pleased with this progress and in fact we are all excited because they'll be running their first 5K on Sat October 10th. I'd be running it with them, but some recent surgery (nothing major) prohibits that at this time. Other aspects of PT (Physical Training) have been increasing like calisthenics and chin ups, all good stuff for building strong young men.

My only regret regarding this is that I took too long getting it set up for Wil. Unfortunately the oldest son usually gets shafted on great ideas like this because they become the "Guinea Pig" in most situations while the other boys reap the benefits of perfected systems. This time won't be any different other than bragging rites for being the first to get to do it. I'm pleased to say that the outline or "The Plan" as I like to call it is now complete except for maybe a few verses and building our spiritual and family catechisms. Having said that though because of the time restraints some of the requirements we'll relax, one of which is reading the Bible from cover to cover. He'll still be required to do it, he just won't have it completed by the time he conducts the Crucible. However, he does have a written plan to complete it, and is often checked on his progress.

This has been a tremendous exercise for me as much as it has been for him. We're far from done and can't wait to see the end product. I would challenge each of you out there to take this journey it's well worth it.

Catch you later,


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