What a week, TGIF! Well we just started our family game night back up tonight, the kids are excited. So between that and my pathetically slow typing it'll take a while to get this post done.
Anyway we left off last time on Phase 1 of my plan and I had mentioned Voddie. So I guess we pick up with that. Actually after looking back I see that we started a little on the "Multi Generational Plan". I wanna give my boys a vision beyond themselves, I want them to get the bigger picture of how a family can impact the world for Christ. Imagine this, imagine 5, 10, or 15 generations after you in the Lord's service. What a legacy! So to try and impart that ideology or paradigm to my children more specifically my oldest son at this time, we both watch "The 200 Year Multi Generational Plan" by Doug Phillips at Vision Forum Ministries. If you've got something else that the Lord had personally laid on your heart make it happen. I'm just giving you the logic behind why I'm structuring my plan for Wil, pray and do what you need to for your son, but remember we should all have a heart for our future generations.
Another thing that I urge you to do, that is required of Wil is a plan to read through the Bible all the way through. Now I'm gonna step on some toes here, and I won't apologise for it. I'm guilty of this as well, and I need to remedy it. We as Christian men need to read the Bible all the way through, does anybody want to refute that? If so shame on you, there is no excuse for not reading the word. I understand that not everybody is inherently a reader or a writer, OH WELL, as I tell my boys "Suck it up, and drive on". Make it happen. I'm not much of a reader but I'm making myself do it, and God understands that. To say that you're not gonna do it, or I'm just not wired that way, cause I'm not a reader is shirking your duty as a Christian man. We have enough wimpy "Christian" men, be the exception. Anyway, Wil is required to read through the Bible, and to provide a written plan on how he is gonna do this. Since I'm behind the power curve on this in relation to the time that I want to perform his rite of passage I've required the written plan for this. However, his younger brothers will have enough lead time on this that they'll be able to accomplish this feat before their initiations. You may wonder why I've added this, my preceding statements which no doubt will offend someone, state this clearly. Yet I must admit there is another reason, why should we not expect this of our boys, the future leaders of our churches, families, and our nation. The Muslims require that their children read through and know the Koran, this is the fastest growing religion in the world, and they know how to equip their boys for spiritual warfare, why are we not pressing with the same fervor? Oh I forgot American Christianity for most is just a Sunday ritual, silly me.
Lastly for Phase 1 I want them to list the 7 abominations to the Lord that are listed in the Bible. They need to know those things that our Lord is adamantly against, just as much as they need to know and recite the 10 Commandments. How many of you can recite the 10 Commandments off the top of your head without blinking an eye? How many of you can rattle off the 7 abominations? It all comes down to how well do you know your scripture. Do you want your boys to be at the same spiritual level you are now when they reach your present age, whatever it might be? I don't, just want my boys to be spiritual power houses ready for any Biblical challenge, and I can't wish that for them and not give them the tools to accomplish it. When it's all said and I don't want my boys to stand before me and ask me, "Dad, why didn't you tell me, why didn't you equip me for battle?"
Well guys and gals, I hope you have a great weekend, and I hope that you are considering a rite of passage for your boys. I'm certain that they'll love you for it and cherish the time you took to make it happen.
Luke 2:51-52 (New International Version)
51 Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. 52 And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.
God Bless,
Hey Joe
ReplyDeleteJust read your entry for today and it hit me like a hatchet! We as Fathers do not should take the time to teach our children what it means to be a Man of God and not a Man of the Moment.
Behind every failed Father, there is a Lost Child searching for someone or something to call Father.
Our job as Christian Men is to set the foundation for our Children and "Bring them up in the Adminishan of the Lord", not just to teach them to warm up a seat in church when it is convenient.