Well as I said before on the last post I had made some changes to "The Plan". As you can see under Phase 1 I added Voddie Baucham's Biblical Womanhood. This is important in that my sons need to know and embody the concept of Biblical manhood, in addition to that, they need to thoroughly understand the concept of Biblical womanhood too. I know this is stating the obvious but it needs to be said anyway (after all we as men aren't mind readers, right?) they review Biblical womanhood so that they know what to look for in a spouse when the time comes. A woman that understands the importance of Biblical principle, that has a vision of multigenerational discipleship.
Well back to Phase 2 (Family) of the plan, and some of the things that I've added there. Number 4 "What is the Stapp Family view regarding relationships with females?". What are your thoughts on this, have you even addressed it yet? Our culture and our individual history growing up subscribes to boyfriends and girlfriends, to what end though? A rendezvous in the back of a car or between the sheets when the parents are gone. Let's be honest where did this lead you? It lead me to failure because it wasn't addressed in my family. Sure my folks said that pre-marital sex was bad, and that sex should only be within the confines of marriage but that was it. There was no detailed outline of why not to do these things and the mentorship that should've accompanied these talks. A good reference that I would recommend on this topic is a book entitled "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" by a man named Josh Harris. Don't be fooled by the title, it's not quite what you might expect, and he does an outstanding job of discussing this topic.
Our boys need to understand the pitfalls associated with relationships with the opposite sex. They need to understand that they are as much responsible for protecting that young woman's virtue as they are about their own. We need to take our roles as "Protectors" of our sisters in Christ. They also need to understand that sexual purity is not an option it is a requirement, both before and after the wedding night. They need a mentor(You Dad) to regularly discuss these issues with.
For those of you that don't think this is possible and that these are unreasonable expectations in this day and time you better get a clue and quick. Get your head on straight and listen up. If Joseph could make a getaway from Potipher's wife, than so can your boys. It's a matter of having a game plan, a strategy, it's a matter of imparting to our kids what to do if they find themselves in that situation before they get into it. Better yet it's our job as fathers to train our boys not to get in that situation to begin with. If you as a "Christ Follower" have surrendered yourself to what this culture says is normal, you need to get on your knees and repent from this lie of the Devil! We might've stumbled in our younger days but it's not too late to turn the tide for this next generation. All we need to do is step up to the plate as the spiritual leaders of our households lead our sons.
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